How to add swipe actions to Collection View
With the Compositional Layout list configuration this is fairly easy.
Published: July 5, 2022 Sponsored See booksOne of the reasons you might not want to replace your Table Views with Collection Views might be that the former has excellent support for swipe actions that are pretty common in iOS. They are frequently used for deleting items or perhaps favoriting them.
With the list layout configuration that Apple added to Compositional Layout with iOS 14, we can easily create swipe actions for Collection Views as well.
I have covered the basics of the list layout in previous post.
Adding leading and trailing swipe actions
Since the setup is the same for the leading and trailing actions, I will show how to set up the trailing ones.
Swipe actions are added via the UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration
. We need to setup trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationProvider
for the trailing actions.
This is a typealias for method or closure that takes IndexPath
as the parameter and returns UISwipeActionsConfiguration
. This is the collection of items we want to make available on swipe.
Let’s start with basic example:
config.trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationProvider = { [unowned self] indexPath in
let favoriteAction = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: "Favorite") { action, sourceView, actionPerformed in
// custom favorite action here
return .init(actions: [favoriteAction])
This defines an action to favorite item, which will be available when the user swipes on the collection view cell.
If you couldn’t perform the action for some reason, you should return false
via the actionPerformed
Chances are, you want to act on the item that is displayed in the cell. For this we can ask our Diffable data source:
let favoriteAction = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: "Favorite") { action, sourceView, actionPerformed in
if let item = self.datasource.itemIdentifier(for: indexPath) {
// act on the item
If you wanted to have leading swipe actions instead (or both), you would also configure the leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationProvider
on the same list configuration.
Customizing the swipe actions
Chances are you want a custom background color for the swipe actions or perhaps an image instead of a title.
This can be easily customized once the action is created like this:
favoriteAction.backgroundColor = .systemYellow
favoriteAction.image = UIImage(systemName: "star")
And of course, there is the .destructive
style available as well:
UIContextualAction(style: .destructive, title: "Delete")
You can also customize if a user should be able to complete the swipe action via swipe. This is configured on the UISwipeActionsConfiguration
via property performsFirstActionWithFullSwipe
. It defaults to true
let swipeConfiguration = UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: [favoriteAction])
swipeConfiguration.performsFirstActionWithFullSwipe = false
Disabling swipe actions for specific rows
If you want to show swipe actions only for some rows, you can return nil
from the provider implementation based on the indexPath
config.trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationProvider = { [unowned self] indexPath in
if indexPath.item == 0 {
return nil
// rest of the code
This code will disable swipe actions for the first item in each section.