SwiftUI KFImage notes
Just a few snippets to reference later when using Kingfisher library.
Published: Jan. 6, 2025 Sponsored DetailsThis is not traditional “how to” blog post. I quite like the Kingfisher library and use it in multiple apps. However I often forget how exactly to arrange view modifiers in SwiftUI when using the KFImage
So I decided to create this with snippets that I am using so next time I can just check my blog (which I am used to doing) and grab a snippet or two.
It is entirely possible some of my usage isn’t optimal, but I found it to work reasonably well and I am not afraid to ship this code.
KFImage with placeholder, fade effect and fixed width + height:
.fade(duration: 0.33)
.placeholder { Image("placeholder").resizable() }
.frame(width: width, height: height)
Using the options
from UIKit variant:
private func customKFImage(_ url: URL?) -> KFImage {
let result = KFImage(url)
result.options = KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo(
KingfisherManager.shared.defaultOptions + [.forceTransition, .keepCurrentImageWhileLoading])
return result
I found this code somewhere and changed the options. Not super pretty, but I wasn’t able to find better option yet.
KFImage with aspect ratio:
.aspectRatio(16 / 9, contentMode: .fill)
Using fallback image URL:
Probably quite specific, but useful for me when working with YouTube videos. Sometimes the good resolution thumbnail is not available and fallback is still better than generic placeholder.