How to display fractions in Django

Short post about rendering for example 1/4, 1/2 and other fractions in your Django template. Turns out this is not complicated if you know about important parts to combine.

Published: July 25, 2020

For the first time I guess ever I needed to display fractions in my Django template. Meaning stuff like 1/4 to represent 0.25 or 25%. This has basically two parts.

  • Get fraction from number
  • Render this fraction in HTML

Let's start with our Python code. Turns out there is handy module named fractions. We are going to just scratch its surface and use the type Fraction so start with this import:

from fractions import Fraction

The usage is beautifully simple. We can just initialize Fraction with number and then print the result to get the fraction:

f1 = Fraction(0.5)

The result will be 1/2. Without any extra work. We could use this in our template but HTML provides better way of actually displaying and properly rendering the fraction.

In my use case I chose to send the whole Fraction object into my template to render it there.

HTML offers tags <sup> and <sub> to display text raised and lowered respectively. The former is frequently used for math equations and similar stuff. We can combine both with / to have pretty fractions.

The basic markup looks like this:


This will get you very nice looking "1/2".

The last step is to actually use our Fraction object:

<sup>{{ fraction.numerator }}</sup>&frasl;<sub>{{ fraction.denominator }}</sub>

Numerator is the "top" number while denominator is the "bottom" number. I have to admit I had to google how is the "numerator" called.

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iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django.

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django.