Core Data

Articles about Core Data framework - the primary way of saving larger volume of data in iOS apps. Learn about what Core Data is in the guide for newcomers, check out my recommended setup and more.

5 posts

Core Data

How to save enum to Core Data

With a bit of help of computed property, we can save enumerations into Core Data quite easily!

Swift & iOS

Core Data

Demystifying Core Data: A guide for newcomers

This post is intended for newcomers to the development on Apple platforms. Since Core Data will undoubtedly feel daunting for a lot of new developers, I decided to try to explain it in simpler terms.

Swift & iOS

Core Data

Minimal example of using Diffable Data Source with Core Data

The new Diffable Data Source is totally different way to setup Table Views and Collection Views. This example will get you started.

Swift & iOS

Core Data

How to create Core Data database from multiple model files

This is useful if you want to split your app into modules but still keep and manage only single database inside the main target.

Swift & iOS

Core Data

My approach to setting up Core Data stack

This post details how I set up Core Data in my projects and also explains what and why. It includes working with background context.

Swift & iOS

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