
Series about the EventKit and EventKitUI frameworks. These are useful for calendars and reminders. You will learn how to create events, display them and much more. EventKitUI also provides ready-made view controllers you can use to simplify this a lot. I also have an example project available on GitHub.

9 posts


How to monitor system calendar for changes with EventKit

If you are working with either calendar events or reminders via EventKit framework, you need keep the data up-to-date with the system calendar database.

Swift & iOS


How to create new calendar using EventKit in Swift

Apart from reminders and events, EventKit framework also gives you the power to create new calendars for users. Learn how.

Swift & iOS


How to use EKEventEditViewController in SwiftUI

My finished solution to bridging this view controller for creating new events and editing existing ones to SwiftUI.

Swift & iOS


How to use EKCalendarChooser with SwiftUI

Short post showing how to bridge this controller with SwiftUI and get selected calendars.

Swift & iOS


How to create iOS reminders programatically with alarms or recurrences

Learn how you can create reminders that will show in the Reminders app. With alarms and recurrences.

Swift & iOS


How to save event into user's calendar

In this post we will use the EventKit framework to save event to default calendar.

Swift & iOS


How to load events from user's calendar

In this post let's go over how to load events that user has in their system calendar. Learn about permissions, requesting access and load the events.

Swift & iOS


How to use EKCalendarChooser in Swift to let user select calendar in iOS

Learn about working with EventKitUI to let user select their calendars with the calendar picker. Permissions and delegate explained.

Swift & iOS


How to use EKEventEditViewController in Swift to let user save event to iOS calendar

Short example showcasing the usage of EKEventEditViewController to let user edit and add events to iOS calendar.

Swift & iOS

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