Introducing improved hosted pages

Need to quickly add changelog, FAQ or any other text content to your app?

Published: Feb. 24, 2023

I am happy to announce improved version of the ImpressKit Hosted Pages. These are simple webpages created with Markdown which can be used for many purposes. Initially I added them as a way to be able to quickly throw Privacy Policy or Terms of Use online and into the app (since App Store guidelines require this).

Turns out there are many more use cases. For example, you can use ImpressKit to host changelog as I am doing with SwitchBuddy. Check it out.

One of the new improvements allows you to change the page theme by query parameter (all is explained in the Pages management inside ImpressKit) to match the current app theme. So you can check the traitCollection for example and add ?theme=light to the URL and the page will render with light theme no matter the default theme.

Similarly there are options to specify accent color and also to hide the title. The latter can be useful when the page is displayed inside WKWebView and title is already provided by UINavigationController for example.

If you have ImpressKit account, follow this link to check the improved Hosted Pages.

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Filip Němeček Mastodon

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django.

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django.