ImpressKit now supports Markdown tables

You can now make your Press Kits even clearer for journalists.

Published: July 25, 2023

Recently Roddy mentioned having issues with creating tables in ImpressKit text editor and it turned out tables are “extra” Markdown feature not available in the core spec. Turns out, the markdown2 package I am using supports them as “extras” which I enabled.

So this means that you can now use tables in your Press Kits and Press Releases text editors without any problems. A table can be useful, for example, to clearly show the differences between free version and paid version of your app. Having a clear pricing explanation is very important part of a press kit.

To see a Markdown table in the wild, you can check Roddy’s press kit for Söka.

If you are already using ImpressKit, don’t forget there is “Markdown Playground” where you can try these kinds of things without touching your public text.

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Filip Němeček Mastodon

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django.

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django.