How to do press kit guides: publicly available

Currently there are three with more on the way.

Published: Oct. 2, 2021

I have decided to make the ImpressKit guides public. Previously they were available from the manage section for people using ImpressKit to create press kits for their apps.

My reasoning was mostly about showing these in a convenient place but then I realized I won't get any possible SEO benefit since these were behind the login screen. Hence the guides are now also accessible from the homepage. And I have also tweaked the typography a bit to make them more pleasant to read.

Another reason to share them publicly is that I got quite positive feedback regarding the content from folks using ImpressKit. These guides work best when applied to ImpressKit press kits, but even if you are rolling out your own, I think and hope you will find at least a few valuable insights there.

Currently the guides are:

Since I am not a native English speaker preparing these guides got me to pay for Grammarly and so far I am very happy with the service.

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Filip Němeček Mastodon

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django.

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django.