ImpressKit with help with Press Release distribution

Normally I write about features once they are deployed but with this one I am so excited I decided to flip it 😆

Published: Nov. 29, 2021
App Store

I usually write about features once I have deployed them, but with this one, I am so excited I decided to flip it 😆


I was talking with another journalist regarding feedback for ImpressKit and press kit content in general. I mentioned the idea of offering RSS for individual press kits, which would automatically get new press releases. Instead, they mentioned that I should consider a global one for all press kits and would love to subscribe.

This journalist may be an outlier, but I think others could very well be interested as well.

RSS for all published press releases would allow journalists to access it efficiently and act as a filter of sorts. Because they want to know about excellent apps to write about, and if someone goes to the lengths of preparing a press kit along with press releases, it probably means the developer spent a lot of time polishing the app itself.


I already have quite some experience creating RSS feeds from my blog and IndieAppsCatalog, so I don't expect this to take a lot of time.

Once the RSS is ready, tested, and has a few press releases, I will start contacting journalists to let them know about this possibility.

Super excited about this one.

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Filip Němeček

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django. Want to see most recent projects? 👀

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django. Want to see most recent projects? 👀