
Indie Apps Catalog

Indie Apps Catalog

I am building "Indie App Store"

Some news what I am up to, how to follow and sneak peek.



Posts about using WKWebView.


JavaScript basics for iOS developers

What you need to know to manipulate content in WKWebView, how to make Swift & JavaScript talk to each other, how to call JavaScript functions and more.

Swift & iOS


iOS 14: What is new for WKWebView

JavaScript sandboxing. Support for JavaScript promises, find on page, zoom and more!

Swift & iOS


Using WKWebView in headless mode

This is another short post about using `WKWebView`. Yet another useful use case can be to run `WKWebView` in the background, meaning user does not see it on the screen.

Swift & iOS


How to open target="_blank" links in WKWebView in iOS

Short post explaining why by default target _blank links don't do anything and how to fix it with example code.

Swift & iOS



How to let user select contact from their contact list

A short look at the CNContactPickerViewController from the ContactsUI framework. Learn how to leverage this contact picker to access contact details.

Swift & iOS



How to decode dates with Codable

In this post we will look at strategies you can use to decode dates. Custom decoder isn't needed.

Swift & iOS


How to decode snake case with Codable

Forget CodingKeys. There is much better solution available!

Swift & iOS

Django Gems

Cool and lesser known parts of the Django framework

Django Gems

Django Admin tip: Auto-generated slug content

With a single line you can save yourself the trouble of filling in the slug manually.


Django Gems

Hidden gems of Django: Truncator

Turns out Django offers great way to truncate text. Lets see how to use the built-in util Truncator.




How to use UICalendarView in iOS

Look at setting up the proper calendar view with selections and customizations.

Swift & iOS


How to use Live Text API in your iOS app

Quick start guide showing the newly available API in iOS 16.

Swift & iOS


How to configure UIKit bottom sheet with custom size

With iOS 16, we can ask for any size we want!

Swift & iOS


Posts about using the CloudKit framework or other parts of iCloud.


How to setup CloudKit subscription to get notified for changes

CloudKit subscription offers best way to keep data up-to-date for your user. I will show you the simplest setup to get started in this cloudkit subscriptions tutorial.

Swift & iOS


Saving files into user’s iCloud Drive using FileManager

This is an example of accessing iCloud Drive and saving files there. Learn how to save files with my guide in iOS.

Swift & iOS



Fixing weird shadow animation glitch in SwiftUI

My “glow” animation started going wrong when switching tabs in a tab bar.

Swift & iOS


SwiftUI Tip: Always correct corner radius for subviews

Meet ContainerRelativeShape!

Swift & iOS


Series about the EventKit and EventKitUI frameworks. These are useful for calendars and reminders. You will learn how to create events, display them and much more. EventKitUI also provides ready-made view controllers you can use to simplify this a lot. I also have an example project available on GitHub.


How to monitor system calendar for changes with EventKit

If you are working with either calendar events or reminders via EventKit framework, you need keep the data up-to-date with the system calendar database.

Swift & iOS


How to create new calendar using EventKit in Swift

Apart from reminders and events, EventKit framework also gives you the power to create new calendars for users. Learn how.

Swift & iOS


How to use EKEventEditViewController in SwiftUI

My finished solution to bridging this view controller for creating new events and editing existing ones to SwiftUI.

Swift & iOS


How to use EKCalendarChooser with SwiftUI

Short post showing how to bridge this controller with SwiftUI and get selected calendars.

Swift & iOS


How to create iOS reminders programatically with alarms or recurrences

Learn how you can create reminders that will show in the Reminders app. With alarms and recurrences.

Swift & iOS


How to save event into user's calendar

In this post we will use the EventKit framework to save event to default calendar.

Swift & iOS


How to load events from user's calendar

In this post let's go over how to load events that user has in their system calendar. Learn about permissions, requesting access and load the events.

Swift & iOS


How to use EKCalendarChooser in Swift to let user select calendar in iOS

Learn about working with EventKitUI to let user select their calendars with the calendar picker. Permissions and delegate explained.

Swift & iOS


How to use EKEventEditViewController in Swift to let user save event to iOS calendar

Short example showcasing the usage of EKEventEditViewController to let user edit and add events to iOS calendar.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Series dedicated to the Compositional Layout for UICollectionViews (UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout). Learn about different concepts (like layout groups, supplementary views) and also by how-to guides implementing specific layouts. Sample project is available on GitHub.

Compositional Layout

How to add swipe actions to Collection View

With the Compositional Layout list configuration this is fairly easy.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

How to create a list with Compositional Layout

The easiest way for creating standard list layouts with the new APIs available from iOS 14.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

How to show page indicator with Compositional Layout

Short guide how to do it with UIPageControl and Combine. Full source code available.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Re-creating Apple Photos layout & animations with Compositional Layout

Let's see how we can create layout similar to the native Photos app in iOS. Complete with the transitions.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

How to create responsive Compositional Layout

Let's look at basic example tutorial about creating Compositional Layout that adapts to available screen space.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

How to create sticky headers with Compositional Layout

It is actually quite easy, but you need to know where to activate this behavior. Let's see how to enable pinned headers.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Useful extensions for CollectionView and Compositional Layout

With a few extensions, you can make working with CollectionViews and Compositional Layout a lot cleaner.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

How to create onboarding with Compositional Layout

Utilizing Compositional Layout to create onboarding flow. Full code example is available.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

How to create grid with Compositional Layout

Let's look at creating basic grid layouts using Compositional Layout.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Example project showing Compositional Layout and Diffable

Check out my GitHub project for hand-on examples showcasing how to build various layouts using modern APIs.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Building Instagram profile screen with Compositional Layout

Let's build the profile page with avatar, followers count, highlights and photos.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Using background decoration views with Compositional Layout

These can help you add a bit of visual flair or maybe imitate the inset table view style.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Supplementary views with Compositional Layout and Diffable Data Source

In this post we will see how to add badges to CollectionView. You will learn how to add supplementary views, configure them and display them.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Detailed look at the NSCollectionLayoutGroup

With the NSCollectionLayoutGroup definition we can create quite different layouts while keeping the rest of the code the same.

Swift & iOS

Compositional Layout

Basic anatomy of collection view compositional layout

Understanding the basic building blocks of the great compositional layout for collection views.

Swift & iOS

Evolving SwitchBuddy

Evolving SwitchBuddy

Evolving SwitchBuddy: How hard can it be?

Turns out, dealing with release dates isn’t a walk in the park.


Evolving SwitchBuddy

Evolving SwitchBuddy: Let’s get started

This new blog series is my attempt to chronicle the evolution of my SwitchBuddy app from a simple tool to a more all-around companion for Nintendo Switch gamers.


WWDC 2020

WWDC 2020

iOS 14: Quick dive into the new UIColorWell

This looks like an ideal solution if you want to let user pick multiple colors.

Swift & iOS

WWDC 2020

How to let user select photos from iOS Photo Library

Much better experience. No permissions required and multi-select!

Swift & iOS

WWDC 2020

Look at the new UIColorPickerViewController in iOS 14

Learn how to use the iOS color picker which also features palette of colors and sliders. There is also limited customization.

Swift & iOS


Stuff that I found interesting from WWDC 21. The UIButton improvements are superb! Also native bottom sheet, revamped formatters, Core Location UI and more.


WKWebView improvements in iOS 15

Media playback APIs, theme color, async support, downloads and more.

Swift & iOS


SFSafariViewController improvements in iOS 15

There's an option to run custom extension on the page content and also preload some content.

Swift & iOS


Core Location UI: New way to get one-time location

Apple has new solution for apps which need location only sometimes.

Swift & iOS


Meet the new bottom sheet in iOS 15

We can finally use the modal sheet that does not take up the entire screen on an iPhone. And it is just a bit of configuration.

Swift & iOS


Big improvements to UIButton in iOS 15

Predefined styles. Trailing images! Loading style and much more.

Swift & iOS


New approach to formatters in iOS 15

There are huge foundation news regarding formatters. They were basically moved behind the scenes.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

App promotion

Exploring “SEO” route for apps promotion


App promotion

PSA: iOS 16 is a huge opportunity to promote your app

This may be obvious, but I still wanted to remind everyone.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

How to get featured on the App Store

According to devs who got features many times.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Press Releases: Step-by-step guide

Detailed how-to about sending your first app press release.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Does your app need a Press Kit?

Should you put the time into creating a Press Kit? And how much energy?

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Press Kit examples for inspiration

Here are a few examples of nicely done press kits that can also serve as a template.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Boost your Press Kit with lifestyle photos

Looking to increase chances of getting covered by the press? Shoot some real-life photos.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Are Press Kits still relevant?

The short answer is yes. But it depends on your app and goals.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Lessons from reviewing 10+ press kits

Here is what I learned and recommend after reviewing bunch of press kits.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

5 tips for reaching out to press

While there are no guarantees, choosing the right strategy will significantly improve your odds.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

How to create Press Kit for your mobile app

Short guide to get you started, especially if you haven't created one before.


App promotion

8 "marketing" ideas for your app

Ideas to get you started when you want to "do marketing" for your app.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Careful when getting inspiration from popular apps

On the pitfalls of mistaking correlation with causation.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Minimal Press Kit your app should have

Assuming you plan to contact the press.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

What is a Press Release? Should you care as a developer?

Why bother? And how to get started without getting overwhelmed.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

5 tips for better App Store screenshots

Whether you are preparing to publish your first app or want to improve screenshots for already published one, I hope at least some of these tips will be helpful.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

4 reasons why ZIP file Press Kit isn't an ideal solution

You may be losing press coverage because of this.

Swift & iOS

App promotion

Where to promote your app for free?

Without hoping that some journalist will write about it.

Swift & iOS

Core Data

Articles about Core Data framework - the primary way of saving larger volume of data in iOS apps. Learn about what Core Data is in the guide for newcomers, check out my recommended setup and more.

Core Data

How to save enum to Core Data

With a bit of help of computed property, we can save enumerations into Core Data quite easily!

Swift & iOS

Core Data

Demystifying Core Data: A guide for newcomers

This post is intended for newcomers to the development on Apple platforms. Since Core Data will undoubtedly feel daunting for a lot of new developers, I decided to try to explain it in simpler terms.

Swift & iOS

Core Data

Minimal example of using Diffable Data Source with Core Data

The new Diffable Data Source is totally different way to setup Table Views and Collection Views. This example will get you started.

Swift & iOS

Core Data

How to create Core Data database from multiple model files

This is useful if you want to split your app into modules but still keep and manage only single database inside the main target.

Swift & iOS

Core Data

My approach to setting up Core Data stack

This post details how I set up Core Data in my projects and also explains what and why. It includes working with background context.

Swift & iOS



Solving difficult problem by solving way easier one

First post in new experimental article format.

Swift & iOS

Useful tools

Software that I found pretty useful and want to tell the world.

Useful tools

LumaFusion - Awesome video-editing app for iPad

I think I have a new favorite iOS app. Editing videos with LumaFusion is great experience.


Useful tools

Useful tools: Lexi

Lexi is great little helper for working with JSON. Especially if you are dealing with complex JSON that has a lot of nesting.


Building SaaS

My journey creating "SaaS" in the form of ImpressKit which lets app developers quickly create professional press kits for their apps.

Building SaaS

Few mistakes I made creating & launching ImpressKit

When looking back at the past months, there are a few things I wish I would do differently.


Building SaaS

ImpressKit improvements: July update

I have implemented some cool new features for ImpressKit.


UX Diary

UX Diary

UX Diary: Onboarding without onboarding

About an approach I took in "GameWidgets" to better onboarding users into the app.

Swift & iOS


Series all about Diffable Data Sources. For more on Diffable you can check my Compositional Layout posts as I am using Diffable in these examples as well. How to implement loading states? I got you covered. How to refresh supplementary views? Check. And more :-)


Fixing wrong animations with Diffable Data Source

The most common causes and how to fix it.

Swift & iOS


Tips and practices for setting up Diffable Data Sources

In this post I would like to show a few approaches that make working with Diffable cleaner and better.

Swift & iOS


How to refresh header / footer with Diffable Data Source

All that is needed is correctly configured section with associated value. Learn how to properly refresh supplementary views with Diffable Data Source.

Swift & iOS


Implementing loading / shimmer with Diffable Data Source

Quick look on one way how to implement loading state for your collection view or table view when using diffable.

Swift & iOS

Django Rest Framework

Django Rest Framework

How I built API for iOS Feeds in 10 minutes

Just a short look what is possible with Django Rest Framework.


Django Rest Framework

How to create/register user account with Django Rest Framework API

My solution for account registration with DRF.


Django Rest Framework

Django Rest Framework: How to let user add only one ForeignKey object (for example review)

My solution I decided to write up to have reference in the future.
